briquette machine can realize to promote the rate of resources recycling
The briquette production line is able to make material balls with even granularity and enough strength by adding proper proportion of water and binder to the powder minerals. The balls are pelletized in the oxidizing atmosphere after being dried and pre-heated.
Coal briquette machines can press powdery materials in many industries. They are mainly used in the field of heavy industries such as cement, mining, electricity and chemistry. Although they may have different names in different areas, working principle is the same. Which industries or projects are the coal briquetting machines applied to?
Metallurgy industry, there are rich mineral resources in metallurgy industry;Heating, in our country, coal briquetting machines have been important equipments in heating project. Coal is absolutely necessary in heating project;Coal briquetting machines are used very well in power plant and energy project. They are common facilities in domestic heavy industries.
except above,the briquette machine can be used in other aspacts in order to realise to promote resources recycling